Navman VHF 7200 User Manual
Page 47

VHF 7200 US and 7200 EU Operation Manual
arrangement between interested and affected administrations.
c. The channels of the present Annex, but preferably channel 28 and with the exception of
channels 06, 13, 15, 16, 17, 70, 75 and 76, may be used for direct-printing telegraphy and data
transmission, subject to special arrangement between interested and affected administrations.
d. The frequencies in this Table may also be used for radiocommunications on inland waterways
in accordance with the conditions specifi ed in No. 5.226. – 56 – 62238 IEC:2003(E)
e. Administrations having an urgent need to reduce local congestion may apply 12,5 kHz channel
interleaving on a non-interference basis to 25 kHz channels, provided:
– Recommendation ITU-R M.1084-2 shall be taken into account when changing to 12,5 kHz
– it shall not affect the 25 kHz channels of the present Annex maritime mobile distress and safety
frequencies, especially the channels 06, 13, 15, 16, 17, and 70, nor the technical characteristics
mentioned in Recommendation ITU-R M.489-2 for those channels;
– implementation of 12,5 kHz channel interleaving and consequential national requirements shall
be subject to prior agreement between the implementing administrations and administrations
whose ship stations or services may be affected.
Specifi c notes
f. The frequency 156,300 MHz (channel 06) (see No. 51.79 and Appendices 13 and 15) may
also be used for communication between ship stations and aircraft stations engaged in
coordinated search and rescue operations. Ship stations shall avoid harmful interference to
such communications on channel 06 as well as to communications between aircraft stations,
ice-breakers and assisted ships during ice seasons.
g. Channels 15 and 17 may also be used for on-board communications provided the effective
radiated power does not exceed 1 W, and subject to the national regulations of the administration
concerned when these channels are used in its territorial waters.
h. Within the European Maritime Area and in Canada, these frequencies (channels 10, 67, 73)
may also be used, if so required, by the individual administrations concerned, for communication
between ship stations, aircraft stations and participating land stations engaged in coordinated
search and rescue and anti-pollution operations in local areas, under the conditions specifi ed in
Nos. 51.69, 51.73, 51.74, 51.75, 51.76, 51.77 and 51.78.
i. The preferred fi rst three frequencies for the purpose indicated in Note a) are 156,450 MHz
(channel 09),156,625 MHz (channel 72) and 156,675 MHz (channel 73).
j. Channel 70 is to be used exclusively for digital selective calling for distress, safety and calling.
k. Channel 13 is designated for use on a worldwide basis as a navigation safety communication
channel, primarily for intership navigation safety communications. It may also be used for
the ship movement and port operations service subject to the national regulations of the
administrations concerned.
l. These channels (AIS 1 and AIS 2) will be used for an automatic ship identifi cation and
surveillance system capable of providing worldwide operation on high seas, unless other
frequencies are designated on a regional basis for this purpose.
m. These channels may be operated as single frequency channels, subject to special arrangement
between interested or affected administrations. (WRC-2000)
n. The use of these channels (75 and 76) should be restricted to navigation-related communications
only and all precautions should be taken to avoid harmful interference to channel 16, e.g. by
limiting the output power to 1 W or by means of geographical separation.
o. These channels may be used to provide bands for initial testing and the possible future
introduction of new technologies, subject to special arrangement between interested or affected
administrations. Stations using these channels or bands for the testing and the possible future
introduction of new technologies shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim
protection from, other stations operating in accordance with Article 5. (WRC-2000)