NEC MA4000 User Manual

Page 22

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2-4 Cable Management Tools

MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1

Using the Copy function

Step 1

In the List View, select the component you wish to copy.

Step 2

Click the Copy button.

Step 3

A **new record** row will be added to the List View table, and the data
you copied will be displayed In the Detail View pane, where you can now
make the necessary changes in the specific fields.

Step 4

When you've finished with your changes, click the Save button above the
Detail View pane. The component information you just copied and
modified will fill in the **new record** row on the List View table.

Ensure that before saving the newly duplicated item, you change all fields that must

be unique from the copied original. Cable Management will display messages above

the Detail View when you save the copied data without making the necessary

changes to those fields, and you cannot add the new record until you make the

required changes.

To Excel Button

The Copy to Excel feature allows you to export the entire spreadsheet in

the List View directly to Excel.

Using the copy to Excel:

Step 1

With the information you want to copy displayed in the List View table,
click the To Excel button.

Step 2

An Excel file will open with all the List View data displayed just as it is in
Cable Management. You can now modify it, save it as an Excel
spreadsheet, print it from Excel, and so forth.

To Clipboard Button

The Copy to Clipboard feature allows you to copy the entire spreadsheet

in the List View to your computer's clipboard, from where you can

paste it into any other application.

To copy to the clipboard

Step 1

With the information you want to copy displayed in the List View table,
click the To Clipboard button.

Step 2

Open the application (for example, Word, Lotus, and so forth) you wish to
paste the information into.

Step 3

In the application, choose the Paste function. All the data in the current
List View spreadsheet will be copied as rows of text in that application,
and you can save it in that file format, modify it, print it, and so forth.