Completing the pre-loaded installation – NCR S16 User Manual
Page 40

Pre-Loaded Installation
Installing Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0
Depending on the version of NCR Server Manager loaded on your server,
you may be asked about the type of system you are installing. Answer the
questions appropriately for your system and site configuration.
2. Enter your name and company name, and select CONTINUE. You are
given the opportunity to change these entries. When the entries are correct,
select CONTINUE.
3. Specify this system’s unique name. Type in the name, and select
CONTINUE. Do not include any spaces or backward slashes in the
system name. You are given the opportunity to change the name. When
your entry is correct, select CONTINUE.
4. The installation procedure prepares to configure the network on your
system, and copies the required files to the disk.
5. If no network board is found, you are asked whether the installation
procedure should automatically detect the Network Interface Card (NIC),
or whether you want to install the Microsoft Remote Access Service
(MSRAS) on the system. You may be prompted for the full path for the
Windows NT installation files. Select the default directory, which will be
similar to C:\$WIN_NT$.~ls\. Select CONTINUE to accept the default.
Completing the Pre-loaded Installation
To complete the pre-loaded installation, follow these steps:
1. The installation procedure copies the files for the remainder of the
Windows NT Server installation from the temporary installation directory
into the Windows NT home directory.
2. Select the domain that the system will join. If this system is to be the
Primary Domain Controller of a new domain, you need to select the
appropriate button, and complete the name of the domain.
3. If it is to become a Backup Domain Controller, you must select the
appropriate button, complete the name of the domain, and the name and
password of an administrator on the domain. When you have completed
your selections, select OK to continue. Icons and program groups are
created for your Windows NT installation.