Appendix c: glossary – Netac Tech T610 User Manual

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Netac AirTrack T610 Wireless Broadband Router


Appendix C: Glossary


A family of specifications developed by the IEEE for WLAN technology.


An extension to 802.11 that applies to WLANS and provides 11 Mbps transmission rate in the 2.4GHz band.

802.11b use only DSSS.


An extension to 802.11 that applies to WLANS and provides 54 Mbps transmission rate in the 2.4 GHz band.

802.11g use OFDM and is backward compatible with 802.11b.


Under this mode, any two wireless stations can communicate with each other directly, each station contention

public wireless channel. The advantage is build network conveniently, lower charge, and stabilization. The

disadvantage is that when user's station is too many, it will bring down the capability of Internet because each

station contention public wireless channel. At the same time, each station need to be connected directly, the

layout of Internet will be bounded sometimes. Furthermore, it can't access Internet. So this configuration only

can be used when the users are less.


Access Point, A communication hub for wireless device users to connect to a wired LAN.


Baseband Processor

The processor that handles the original band of frequencies of a signal before it is

modulated for transmission at a higher frequency.


Bridging, provide path between two or more net section or subnet, these subnet have the same address and

topological structural. The device which bring off bridging called bridge, some station can use bridge to

broadcast message to other station, so bridge is a device which can connect net section's two port or more

port. And bridge also can divide the busy net into two section, reduce the traffic of each section to improve

capability. It can filter net broadcasting message, only allow the communication message get to another net

by bridge.