Wml input processing, Selection lists – Nokia 9110i User Manual

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GO Attributes:


specifies the destination URL. Href is an obligatory attribute.


specifies the HTTP submission method. Values 'get' and 'post' are accepted, in 9110i 'get'-

method is default.



element declares a prev task, indicating navigation to the previous URI on the history stack. If

there isn't any history stack the previous task will be dimmed.



element specifies that nothing should be done ie. no operation

5.5 WML Input Processing

There are two kinds of input elements; text-fields determined by input-element and selection lists
determined by select-element. Option elements are used to specify a single choise option in a select
element. Option elements can be grouped by using optgroup-element (see the picture below with

selection lists and input fields).

5.5.1 Selection lists

Selection lists (