NETGEAR Music Player User Manual
Page 15

your local network. Do not quit iTunes.
3. Rhapsody: Make sure the Rhapsody application is running, then select User Settings from
the Options menu, navigate to the UPnP tab, and then click the “Start” button to start the
server. You will probably also want to check the “Start UPnP server once logged in” option,
which makes the server start each time you run the Rhapsody application.
Your Rhapsody server should now appear in your list of servers on the SoundBridge, and
you will be able to play all your songs and Rhapsody radio stations.
4. Musicmatch: Select Options/Settings. Click on the “CD Lookup/Connectivity” tab. Select
“Enable Music Server” and then select “Universal. Plug and Play.” You can close Musicmatch
if you like — the UPnP server will keep running in the background.