NorthStar Navigation Multi-Function Unit M84 User Manual
Page 110

Northstar M121/M84 Installation and Operation Manual
SmartCraft - A feature of Mercury Marine
engines for monitoring engine performance.
TCPA - Time to Closest Point of Approach.
Time until the closest point of approach for two
Sea clutter - Rough seas can cause
interference with the radar image.
Sonar status - A summary of sonar settings.
TTN - Time to the next position the M121/M84
is navigating to, either a waypoint or the cursor.
User card - A plug-in card that stores
waypoints, routes and tracks (see section 1-2).
UTC - Universal Time Coordinated or
Coordinated Universal Time, which is a standard
world time, formerly called Greenwich Mean
Time (GMT).
VHF - Very High Frequency. The frequency
range used by marine radios.
Waypoint - A position that you can set on the
Instrument chart, for example a fishing spot or a
point on a route (see section 5).
Weather - An estimate of the weather based
on barometric pressure (requires Northstar 721
VHF radio).