Perle Systems IOLINK-520 User Manual
Page 110

12780895.2 12901 1047C 063
Other Damage
No Fault Found
Part 2
Multiple Port Failure
This is where more than one port has been damaged. Possible causes are listed below:
° Plugging a defective peripheral into the port
° Plugging a live peripheral into the port
° Plugging a defective data cable into the port
° An external high voltage being applied - mains surge/lightning strike
Recommended precautions:
° Always switch the peripheral off before connection or disconnection to the port
° Never run a product with any port failures, this can in time destroy the uni
Multiple LAN Port Failure
This is where both thick, thin or UTP LAN ports are defective.
Possible caused are listed below:
A high voltage being applied to the LAN cable
Track Damage
Track damage can seriously affect functionality and may result in total breakdown of the product. Possible causes are
listed below:
° By not taking care when installing / removing a board from a system
° A high voltage being applied to the unit or power supply
Non-Perle Repair Damage
This is where a product has been repaired by an unauthorised third party or where non-approved or incorrect
components have been fitted.
Other Damage
Other damage covers problems which are not detailed elsewhere in this document. Possible causes are listed below:
° Fluid which contaminates the unit whether by accidental spillage or otherwise
° Fire or corrosion
° Mechanical damage, i.e. physical damage to casing or connectors
No Fault Found
No fault found covers any product tested that is found to be not faulty and will be subject to a handling charge.
In an effort to improve the quality of our products, repairs may have upgrades applied that improve the reliability of the
product. All other upgrades such as enhanced features will be chargeable at the applicable rate.
Copyright © 2000 Perle Systems Limited.