Baxi bermuda bbu he site survey form, Bermuda bbu he, Yes no comments – Baxi Potterton BERMUDA BBU HE User Manual

Page 18

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Baxi Bermuda BBU HE Site Survey Form

NB: If the answer is NO to any of the points below then read the adjacent comments for further guidance.

Yes No Comments

Is the gas supply natural gas?

No LPG model currently available.

Is the boiler fitted to a fully pumped system?

If the heating system is a gravity hot water pumped

heating system it must be converted to a fully
pumped system Y or S Plan.

Is the flow and return connection on the

If the existing pipe work is connected from the right

left hand side of the boiler? (looking at the boiler)

hand side then the optional extra pipe work kit may

be required to facilitate installation.

Does the system incorporate a bypass?

A pressure operated bypass will be required if the

minimum flow rate is lower than 8.3 litre/minute.

Is the boiler installed to a Class 1 Flue?

225mm x 225mm (9" x 9") brick or 175mm (7")

salt glazed lined flue is required.

Check builders opening (see comments).

570mm (22") height, 584mm (23") width, 305mm

(12") depth is the minimum size of the builders
opening. If only the minimum depth is available a
range of spacer kits or rebated surrounds are
available for the firefront (see page 13 of the
Baxi Bermuda BBU HE brochure).

Is an existing fire surround installed? (see comments).

The minimum fireplace opening size is 558mm

height (22") x 406mm width (16") If installing with
minimum fireplace dimensions provision will need to
be made for access to the gas service cock and inlet
test point. The surround will need to be removed to
allow access for installation of the BBU.

Does the existing fire have an electric light effect?

The boiler will require a 3 amp permanent live as

well as a switched live feed from the same source to
operate satisfactorily.

Is there a 13 amp socket in close proximity to the

The fire will require a separate13 amp supply.

existing fire and boiler location? (see comments)

Will there be a clearance of 150mm from the

150mm clearance is required from the BBU

BBU flue terminal to an adjacent terminal?

flue terminal to an adjacent terminal.

Measure and check the flue length and its path.

There are 2 concentric flue system kits available,

(see comments).

10 metre and 12.5 metre. These lengths may be

cut shorter but cannot be extended beyond their

specified length.

Is there a waste drain point close to the boiler

The boiler incorporates a sump pump for the

location? (see comments).

removal of condensate. The pump can lift

condensate vertically 2.5 metres (as measured from
the case outlet of the boiler.) Any horizontal run
should be kept as short as practicable with a
miniumum of 3 degrees on all gravity falls.
For guidance on maximum horizontal runs and
number of elbows please refer to Baxi's Installation
Instructions at

Bermuda BBU HE


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