Flue installation guide – Baxi Potterton BERMUDA BBU HE User Manual
Page 11

Flue Installation Guide
1. Points 2-6 cover general guidelines for flue installation.
For more detailed recommendations, please refer to BS
5440 Part 1 (GB) or I.S. 813 'Domestic Gas Installations'
2. Only one of the two available concentric vertical flue kits
approved for use with the Baxi Bermuda BBU HE can
be used. Proprietary flue systems, terminals or adaptors
etc, should NOT be used.
3. The available flue kits are intended for installation within
an existing chimney. This should be clean and sound.
Previous flue installations (liners, dampeners) should
be removed.
4. The flue must have a minimum vertical height of 3m
and have no bends greater than 45°. No horizontal runs
are permitted.
5. The terminal must be sited so that free passage of air
across it can occur at all times.
6. The terminal must be a minimum of 150mm from any
other terminals or obstructions (A). When adjacent to
windows or openings on pitched or flat roofs it must be
at least 600mm away (B). A minimum dimension of
2000mm must be maintained when below windows or
openings in pitched roofs (C).
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