Peavey PCX-U302 User Manual
Page 18

connection is used. If you are having problems
with a system, this is one of the first places to
look for the solution.
Transmit antenna: 1/4 wave
GT/MT level selector switch: This switch works
in combination with the way you have wired
the input device (as detailed above). Set this
switch in the GT position if you are connecting
to the output of and electric guitar. Set the
switch to the MT position for all other
Gain control: this control works when the
GT/MT selector switch is in the MT position
only. It provides the user with a small range of
independent system level control. Once set, it
should be left alone to avoid the user causing
self inflicted embarrassment by crossing the
threshold of feedback or reducing the output
to an inaudible level.
Transmitter housing: made from heavy duty
poly-plastic with a discreet low profile and
smooth contoured shape for wearer comfort.
Battery status indicator: A ‘flash’ at turn on
indicates that the batter is OK. No flash at turn
on indicates that the battery is dead or not
installed. A constant glow indicates a weak
battery that should be replaced.
Power switch: turns power to the transmitter
on and off. A RF link (if available) is opened
immediately the transmitter is switched on. An
AF link is established when a suitable audio