Polycom RSS 2000 User Manual

Page 19

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DOC2207A RSS 2000 V3.0 Getting Started guide - Release Note - Final - February 26, 2008.doc

4: At command prompt, enter “imageversion” (

without quotation marks


5: If the version # is

“ 5”

( see the screenshot below ), indicates the RSS2000 can be upgraded

with additional language options.

6: If the image version is not 5 , it will show

unknown version ,

means if you want to support

additional languages , need to refresh the image , the old image don’t have full support for
additional languages, so please contact your service provider .

Upgrade additional language package


Log in to RSS , go to “ . - System Configuration > Upgrade/Reset System” page .

b) Download


“RSS2000. languages . pkg”

to RSS , then
