Paxar Monarch 9805 User Manual
Page 9

10. Tape the ribbon to the take-up
core. Do not tape the
ribbon to the take-up reel.
11. Rotate the take-up core until
the leader is past the
printhead and remove any
slack in the ribbon by turning
the take-up reel clockwise.
12. Hold the printhead assembly
by the printhead tab while
pressing down on the printhead release.
13. Close the printhead by pressing down on the thumb well until you
hear it click into place. Close the cover.
P r i n t i n g
1. Turn on the printer.
2. Download a format and a batch. The printer prints a strip of labels.
3. Remove the printed labels.
If you turn off the printer, you must wait 10-15 seconds (until the power
light is completely dim) before turning it back on; otherwise an error
O n - D e m a n d M o d e P r i n t i n g
In on-demand mode printing, the first label is printed and dispensed.
The next label prints when the previous label is removed. If a label does
not print, make sure the supply sensor is clean and not blocked. You
must use on-demand printing with peel mode. The printer backfeeds only
in on-demand mode.
P r i n t i n g t h e E u r o - D o l l a r S y m b o l
You can print the Euro-Dollar symbol (
c) online by using ~192 (ASCII
code) in the data stream. Your System Administrator can also select the
Euro-Dollar symbol by sending the Monetary Formatting Packet (packet
D). For more information, refer to the optional Packet Reference Manual
available from our Web site or in a printed version by ordering part
number TC9800PM.