Known limitations – Polycom RSS 2000 User Manual

Page 34

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RSS 2000 Getting Started Guide & Release Notes – Version 3.0.2


Known Limitations

Table 9

Known Limitations



Overlapping names

The monitor screen displays an overlapping names of VSX8000 and
RSS in a MGC meeting room

VSX 5000-8000


The RSS 2000 support the VSX 5000-8000 when the VSX is set to
motion (Not Sharpness nor Promotion)

RMX 2000


The RMX 2000 connects secondary to the RSS 2000 in the rate of
64Kbps (No support for G.728 at the RMX 2000 (RMX 2000 connect
to the HDX and VSX at G.729A in 64K which is not supported by the
RSS 2000)) – recording at this low video rate is not recommended in
any case.

RMX 2000


While RSS 2000 is connected to RMX2000 in SIF when the RMX is
set to Sharpness , an archive of it is tagged as H.264 SD.



ViewStation show blue then green screen at the beginning of a
connection to RSS 2000


When recording an IVR message – it’s require to add additional 1
second of silence for each recording, to prevent message truncation
with VSX and Viewstations

Maximum frame rate
for recording and

Maximum frame rate for recording and playback in the recording room
is 20 fps in H.264 and 25 fps in H.261/H.263

Point to Point

HD is not supported in Point to Point recording. When using an HD
endpoint it’s recommended to dial directly to the recording room [RSS
2000 Prefix][Recording Room Prefix] and not to connect to the
Recording room via the H323 Menu.

Embedded Multipoint
on the VSX

When recording a multipoint on a VSX – first connect the endpoint to
the VSX and only than connect to the RSS 2000

Sony HG90 version:

2.11 Beta

Sony HG90 can connect in HD only. The RSS 2000 menu is in CIF
(Not in HD) as so the HG 90 will connect as secondary.

H239 Content


The RSS 2000 support H263 content (Not H264) – as most endpoint
currently support H263 content – in order to prevent interoperability
issue, when playing back the stream (In H323) the RSS will not
support H264 content (Lower common nominator)

Econf integration

France Telecom eConf can not get video from RSS

Aethra X7 integration

Connect Aethra X7 to RSS 2000 @1920K ,the X7 sends 720p, but
receives CIF from the RSS 2000.

RSS 2000 can only support CIF/SIF for menu.

RMX 2000 integration

HD Recording with the RMX 2000 is supported only on full screen