Operation warnings – Polaris 120 Youth User Manual
Page 38

Operation Warnings
Instruct all operators
Teach all young drivers to always be alert and to pay attention to the
driving area ahead. When teaching inexperienced operators to ride, set
up a predetermined course. Establish boundaries and make sure all oper-
ators know and understand them. Make sure they know how to drive and
control the snowmobile before you allow them to drive longer super-
vised distances. Teach them proper snowmobile courtesy.
It's a good idea to predetermine some hand signals as a way to commu-
nicate with a child while giving instruction. It may be difficult for a
child to hear your voice over the sound of the snowmobile and through a
Teach the operator that the sound of the engine will make it difficult to
hear the sound of approaching vehicles. Do not allow a child to operate
the snowmobile on or near roads and railroad tracks.
Teach operators what it means to drive defensively. Never tailgate and
always allow ample stopping distances.
Be alert for obstacles
Wire fences are a serious hazard. Teach
operators to always be on the alert for
fences. Single strands are especially dan-
gerous, since there can be a great distance
between posts. Ground wires on utility
poles are also difficult to see. Teach opera-
tors to reduce speed when traveling near
poles, posts or other obstacles.
Check the weather
Extremely cold weather can cause frost-
bite and/or hypothermia. Always be aware
of weather conditions, especially the
windchill. See the table on page 39.