Peugeot 205 User Manual
Page 68

21 Loosen the tensioner pulley retaining nut.
Rotate the pulley anti-clockwise to remove all
free play from the timing belt, then retighten
the nut.
22 Tension the belt as described in
paragraphs 14 to 19 of Section 7.
23 Refit the timing belt covers as described
in Section 6.
Crankshaft sprocket
24 Where removed, locate the Woodruff key
in the crankshaft end, then slide on the
flanged spacer, aligning its slot with the
Woodruff key.
25 Align the crankshaft sprocket slot with the
Woodruff key, and slide it onto the end of the
26 Temporarily remove the locking pin from
the rear of the flywheel, then refit the
crankshaft sprocket retaining bolt and
washer. Tighten the bolt to the specified
torque, whilst preventing crankshaft rotation
using the method employed on removal. Refit
the locking pin to the rear of the flywheel.
27 Relocate the timing belt on the crankshaft
sprocket. Ensure that the “front run” of the
belt is taut - ie, ensure that any slack is on the
tensioner pulley side of the belt. Do not twist
the belt sharply while refitting it, and ensure
that the belt teeth are seated centrally in the
28 Loosen the tensioner pulley retaining nut.
Rotate the pulley anti-clockwise to remove all
free play from the timing belt, then retighten
the nut.
29 Tension the belt as described in
paragraphs 14 to 19 of Section 7.
30 Refit the timing belt covers as described
in Section 6.
Tensioner pulley
31 Refit the tensioner pulley to its mounting
stud, and fit the retaining nut.
32 Ensure that the “front run” of the belt is
taut - ie, ensure that any slack is on the pulley
side of the belt. Check that the belt is centrally
located on all its sprockets. Rotate the pulley
anti-clockwise to remove all free play from the
timing belt, then tighten the pulley retaining
nut securely.
33 Tension the belt as described in
paragraphs 14 to 19 of Section 7.
34 Refit the timing belt covers as described
in Section 6.
Camshaft oil seal - renewal
Note: If the camshaft oil seal is to be renewed
with the timing belt still in place, check first
that the belt is free from oil contamination.
(Renew the belt as a matter of course if signs
of oil contamination are found; see Section 7).
Cover the belt to protect it from oil
contamination while work is in progress.
Ensure that all traces of oil are removed from
the area before the belt is refitted.
1 Remove the camshaft sprocket as
described in Section 8.
2 Punch or drill two small holes opposite
each other in the oil seal. Screw a self-tapping
screw into each, and pull on the screws with
pliers to extract the seal.
3 Clean the seal housing, and polish off any
burrs or raised edges, which may have
caused the seal to fail in the first place.
4 Lubricate the lips of the new seal with clean
engine oil, and drive it into position until it
seats on its locating shoulder. Use a suitable
tubular drift, such as a socket, which bears
only on the hard outer edge of the seal. Take
care not to damage the seal lips during fitting.
Note that the seal lips should face inwards.
5 Refit the camshaft sprocket as described in
Section 8.
10 Camshaft and rocker arms -
removal, inspection and
General information
1 The rocker arm assembly is secured to the
top of the cylinder head by the cylinder head
bolts. Although in theory it is possible to undo
the head bolts and remove the rocker arm
assembly without removing the head, in
practice, this is not recommended. Once the
bolts have been removed, the head gasket will
be disturbed, and the gasket will almost
certainly leak or blow after refitting. For this
reason, removal of the rocker arm assembly
cannot be done without removing the cylinder
head and renewing the head gasket.
2 The camshaft is slid out of the right-hand
end of the cylinder head, and it therefore
cannot be removed without first removing the
cylinder head, due to a lack of clearance.
Rocker arm assembly
3 Remove the cylinder head as described in
Section 11.
4 To dismantle the rocker arm assembly,
carefully prise off the circlip from the right-
hand end of the rocker shaft; retain the rocker
pedestal, to prevent it being sprung off the
end of the shaft. Slide the various
components off the end of the shaft, keeping
all components in their correct fitted order
(see illustration). Make a note of each
component’s correct fitted position and
orientation as it is removed, to ensure it is
fitted correctly on reassembly.
5 To separate the left-hand pedestal and
shaft, first unscrew the cylinder head cover
retaining stud from the top of the pedestal;
this can be achieved using a stud extractor, or
two nuts locked together. With the stud
removed, unscrew the grub screw from the
top of the pedestal, and withdraw the rocker
shaft (see illustrations).
6 Remove the cylinder head as described in
Section 11.
7 With the head on a bench, remove the
locking pin, then remove the camshaft
sprocket as described in paragraphs 6 and 7
of Section 8.
8 Unbolt the housing from the left-hand end
of the cylinder head, then undo the retaining
bolt, and remove the camshaft thrust fork
from the cylinder head (see illustration).
9 Using a large flat-bladed screwdriver,
carefully prise the oil seal out of the right-hand
end of the cylinder head, then slide out the
camshaft (see illustrations). Discard the seal
- a new one must be used on refitting.
Rocker arm assembly
10 Examine the rocker arm bearing surfaces
2C•8 TU series engine in-car repair procedures
10.4 Remove the circlip, and slide the
components off the end of the rocker shaft
10.5a To remove the left-hand pedestal,
lock two nuts together and unscrew the
stud . . .
10.5b . . . then remove the grub screw