Peugeot 205 User Manual

Page 118

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Air cleaner assembly -
removal and refitting


Refer to the procedures in Chapter 4A,

Section 2, substituting “throttle body” for all
references to the carburettor.


Throttle cable - removal,
refitting and adjustment


Removal and refitting

1 Refer to Chapter 4A, Section 3 substituting
“throttle body” for all references to the
carburettor. Adjust the cable as described


2 Remove the spring clip from the adjustment
ferrule then, ensuring that the throttle cam is
fully against its stop, gently pull the cable out
of its grommet until all free play is removed
from the inner cable.
3 With the cable held in this position, ensure
that the flat washer is pressed securely
against the grommet, then fit the spring clip to
the third ferrule groove visible in front of the
rubber grommet and washer (see
. This will leave a fair amount of
freeplay in the inner cable which is necessary
to ensure correct operation of the idle speed
control motor.
4 Have an assistant depress the accelerator
pedal and check that the throttle cam opens
fully and returns smoothly to its stop.


Fuel system -


Note: Refer to the warning note in Section 1
before proceeding.

Warning: The following
procedure will merely relieve the
pressure in the fuel system -
remember that fuel will still be

present in the system components, and
take precautions accordingly before
disconnecting any of them.
1 The fuel system referred to in this Section is
defined as the tank-mounted fuel pump, the
fuel filter, the fuel injector and the pressure
regulator in the injector housing, and the
metal pipes and flexible hoses of the fuel lines
between these components. All these contain
fuel which will be under pressure while the
engine is running, and/or while the ignition is
switched on. The pressure will remain for
some time after the ignition has been
switched off, and it must be relieved in a
controlled fashion when any of these
components are disturbed for servicing work.
2 Disconnect the battery negative lead.

3 If possible, place a suitable container
beneath the connection or union to be
disconnected, and have a large rag ready to
soak up any escaping fuel not being caught
by the container.
4 Slowly loosen the connection or union nut to
avoid a sudden release of pressure, and
position the rag around the connection, to catch
any fuel spray which may be expelled. Once the
pressure is released, disconnect the fuel line.
Plug the pipe ends, to minimise fuel loss and
prevent the entry of dirt into the fuel system.


Fuel pump - removal and


Note: Observe the precautions in Section 1
before working on any component in the fuel


1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
2 Raise the rear seat cushion.
3 Prise up the right-hand plastic cover from
the floor then disconnect the wiring, and the
fuel supply and return pipes, noting their
location (see illustration).
4 Unscrew the retaining screws and lift the
fuel pump housing from the fuel tank. Note
that in some cases, the hole in the floor may
not be aligned with the pump, in which case
the fuel tank may need to be lowered for
access (refer to Section 7 for details).
5 Release the filter from the bottom of the
housing, then the collar (see illustration).

6 Disconnect the wiring and release the fuel
pump from the upper collar.


7 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but fit new
collars and make sure that the wiring
terminals are positioned away from the pump
terminals. Always fit a new gasket between
the pump housing and fuel tank.


Fuel gauge sender unit -
removal and refitting


Refer to Part A, Section 6.


Fuel tank - removal and


Refer to Part A, Section 7, noting that it will

be necessary to depressurise the fuel system
as the feed and return hoses are
disconnected from the fuel pump (see Section
5). It will also be necessary to disconnect the
wiring connector from the fuel pump before
lowering the tank out of position.

4B•2 Fuel system - single-point fuel injection engines

3.3 Adjust the throttle cable as described

in text

5.3 Fuel pump locations and connections

5.5 Fuel pump components


Bleed tube








Fuel pump

