9•2 braking system – Peugeot 205 User Manual
Page 150

Torque wrench settings
lbf ft
Girling front caliper mounting bolts:
All models except 1.9 GTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.9 GTI models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Girling front caliper guide bolts (1.9 GTI models) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DBA Bendix front caliper mounting bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rear caliper mounting bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rear backplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rear hub nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General information
The braking system is of hydraulic type with
the front disc brakes and rear drum brakes on
all except 1.9 GTI models. On these vehicles
disc brakes are also fitted at the rear. On all
models, the handbrake is cable-operated on
the rear wheels.
The hydraulic system is split into two
circuits, so that in the event of failure of one
circuit, the other will still provide adequate
braking power (although pedal travel and
effort may increase). The hydraulic circuits are
split either diagonally or front-to-rear
according to model. In the diagonally split
system, each hydraulic circuit supplies one
front, and one diagonally opposite rear brake.
In the front-to-rear arrangement, one circuit
serves the front brakes and the other circuit
the rear brakes.
A compensating valve (or valves) reduces
the hydraulic pressure to the rear brakes
under heavy applications of the brake pedal in
order to prevent rear wheel lock-up.
A vacuum servo unit is fitted to all
non-basic models.
From 1991, the Bendix anti-lock braking
system (ABS) is available as an option on
certain models and is described in further
detail in Section 19.
Note: When servicing any part of the system,
work carefully and methodically; also observe
scrupulous cleanliness when overhauling any
part of the hydraulic system. Always renew
components (in axle sets, where applicable) if
in doubt about their condition, and use only
genuine Peugeot replacement parts, or at
least those of known good quality. Note the
warnings given in “Safety first” and at relevant
points in this Chapter concerning the dangers
of asbestos dust and hydraulic fluid.
Hydraulic system - bleeding
Warning: Hydraulic fluid is
poisonous; wash off immediately
and thoroughly in the case of
skin contact, and seek
immediate medical advice if any fluid is
swallowed or gets into the eyes. Certain
types of hydraulic fluid are inflammable,
and may ignite when allowed into contact
with hot components; when servicing any
hydraulic system, it is safest to assume that
the fluid IS inflammable, and to take
precautions against the risk of fire as
though it is petrol that is being handled.
Hydraulic fluid is also an effective paint
stripper, and will attack plastics; if any is
spilt, it should be washed off immediately,
using copious quantities of clean water.
Finally, it is hygroscopic (it absorbs
moisture from the air). The more moisture
is absorbed by the fluid, the lower its
boiling point becomes, leading to a
dangerous loss of braking under hard use.
Old fluid may be contaminated and unfit for
further use. When topping-up or renewing
the fluid, always use the recommended
type, and ensure that it comes from a
freshly-opened sealed container.
1 The correct functioning of the brake
hydraulic system is only possible after
removing all air from the components and
circuit; this is achieved by bleeding the
2 During the bleeding procedure, add only
clean, fresh hydraulic fluid of the specified
type; never re-use fluid that has already been
bled from the system. Ensure that sufficient
fluid is available before starting work.
3 If there is any possibility of incorrect fluid
being used in the system, the brake lines and
components must be completely flushed with
uncontaminated fluid and new seals fitted to
the components.
4 If brake fluid has been lost from the master
cylinder due to a leak in the system, ensure
that the cause is traced and rectified before
proceeding further.
5 Park the car on level ground, switch off the
ignition and select first gear (manual
transmission) or Park (automatic transmission)
then chock the wheels and release the
6 Check that all pipes and hoses are secure,
unions tight, and bleed screws closed.
Remove the dust caps and clean any dirt from
around the bleed screws.
7 Unscrew the master cylinder reservoir cap,
and top-up the reservoir to the “MAX” level
line. Refit the cap loosely, and remember to
maintain the fluid level at least above the
“MIN” level line throughout the procedure,
otherwise there is a risk of further air entering
the system.
8 There are a number of one-man, do-it-
yourself, brake bleeding kits currently
available from motor accessory shops. It is
recommended that one of these kits is used
wherever possible, as they greatly simplify the
bleeding operation, and also reduce the risk
of expelled air and fluid being drawn back into
the system. If such a kit is not available, the
basic (two-man) method must be used, which
is described in detail below.
9 If a kit is to be used, prepare the car as
described previously, and follow the kit
manufacturer’s instructions, as the procedure
may vary slightly according to the type being
used; generally, they are as outlined below in
the relevant sub-section.
10 Whichever method is used, the same
sequence must be followed (paragraphs 11
and 12) to ensure the removal of all air from
the system.
Bleeding sequence
11 If the hydraulic system has only been
partially disconnected and suitable precautions
were taken to minimise fluid loss, it should only
be necessary to bleed that part of the system
(ie the primary or secondary circuit).
12 If the complete system is to be bled, then
it should be done in the following sequence:
Non-ABS models:
Diagonally split system - all models except 1.6
RH rear wheel
LH front wheel
LH rear wheel
RH front wheel
Front-to-rear split system - 1.6 GTI models:
LH rear wheel and inertia compensator
RH rear wheel
LH front wheel
RH front wheel
ABS models:
Note: Before carrying out any bleeding, the
battery negative lead must be disconnected,
and the brown three-way, brown five-way and
green five-way wiring connectors must be
disconnected from the regulator unit to
prevent the possibility of air entering the
system. The connectors must not be
reconnected until the hydraulic system has
been bled.
LH rear wheel
RH rear wheel
LH front wheel
RH front wheel
ABS regulator unit (see illustration)
9•2 Braking system