Peugeot 205 User Manual

Page 104

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10 If the coolant pump is worn, noisy or leaks
coolant it must be renewed, as repair is not


11 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearing
in mind the following points:

a) Thoroughly clean the mating faces and

use a new gasket.

c) Refit and tension the timing belt as

described in Chapter 2B.

d) Refill the cooling system (Chapter 1).

TU series aluminium block


12 Drain the cooling system as described in
Chapter 1.
13 Remove the timing belt as described in
Chapter 2C.
14 Unscrew the nut from the right-hand
engine mounting.
15 Using a trolley jack and block of wood, lift
the right-hand side of the engine as far as
16 Unscrew the nuts and remove the engine
mounting bracket from the coolant pump
17 Disconnect the hoses from the housing,
then unbolt the housing from the block.

Remove the O-ring seal (see illustrations).
18 Unbolt the coolant pump from the
housing, and remove the O-ring (see
. If necessary, similarly remove
the inlet elbow.
19 If the coolant pump is worn, noisy or leaks
coolant it must be renewed, as repair is not


20 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearing
in mind the following points:

a) Renew the O-rings.
b) Make sure that the housing-to-block

location dowels are in position.

c) Refit and tension the timing belt as

described in Chapter 2C.

d) Refill the cooling system as described in

Chapter 1.

TU series cast-iron block engines


21 Drain the cooling system as described in
Chapter 1.
22 Remove the timing belt as described in
Chapter 2C.
23 Unscrew the two securing bolts, and
withdraw the coolant pump from the cylinder
block (see illustration). Recover the O-ring.
24 If the coolant pump is worn, noisy or leaks

coolant it must be renewed, as repair is not


25 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearing
in mind the following points.

a) Renew the pump O-ring.
b) Refit and tension the timing belt, as

described in Chapter 2C.

c) Refill the cooling system (Chapter 1).


Heater assembly - removal,
dismantling, reassembly and



1 Remove the facia panel, as described in
Chapter 11. On later models this procedure
also covers removal of the vents and control
panel. If further dismantling is necessary
proceed as follows.
2 Disconnect the lower air vents.
3 Note the position of the wiring loom and
switches then remove the clips and move the
wiring clear. Lower the fuse board with
reference to Chapter 12.
4 Drain the cooling system as described in
Chapter 1, and disconnect the heater hoses
on the bulkhead in the engine compartment.

3•6 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems

8.18a With the housing removed, undo the

bolts and remove the coolant pump . . .

8.18b . . . then recover the O-ring seal


8.23 Coolant pump securing bolt (arrowed)

on TU series cast iron block engines

8.17a On TU series aluminium block engines, disconnect the

hoses (arrowed) from the coolant pump housing

8.17b . . . then undo the bolts (arrowed) and remove the housing

from the block