Isdn connection management – Perle Systems P840 User Manual
Page 16
ISDN Connection Management
Auto-Call (Time-of-Day Connections)
An Auto-Call connection is an ISDN connection that is established each time the P840 attempts to start the link.
This starting of the links occurs each time a P840 powers up or when the link goes through a restart or at the
times specified by the Time-of-Day Activation Schedule. An Auto-Call connection would be used for a static
WAN configuration that needs to be maintained at all specified times between sites.
T h is IS D N c onn e ctio n is m a d e
upo n in itia l pow er-up and
is m ainta ine d du rin g the
tim es d efine d in the
tim e-of-d ay s c hedu le.
N e tw ork B
N e tw ork A
Figure 2 - 1 Auto-Call WAN Topology
The semi-permanent connection that results from an Auto-Call configuration means that the P840 will attempt
to maintain a connection to the partner P840 during the times specified in the Time-of-Day Schedule. When
Connection Management is enabled, the ISDN call to the Auto-Call number may be suspended during periods
of inactivity.