Create a backup file and save in local flash, Copy a backup file to a remote tftp server, Download a backup file from a remote tftp server – Polycom V2IU 4350 User Manual
Page 102: List the available backup files
User Manual V
IU 4350 Converged Network Appliance
5 - 2
Use a NULL modem cable to connect to serial port 1 of the 4350
Use a terminal emulator such as Hyperterminal set to a baud rate of 9600,
8, 1 and none (databits, stop bits and parity)
Alternatively you can connect to the 4350 remotely using SSH:
Logon as root
Enter the password
Once you are at the command prompt (#) you can create the backup file, store
it to local flash, copy it to a remote TFTP server, copy it from a remote TFTP
server, delete it, load it or list all available backup files.
Create a Backup File and Save in Local Flash
# ewn save
Filename format (must use extension .conf1 or .conf2):
EWN30_041503.conf1 or location1_E30.conf2. Trying to use any other
filename format will result in the error message:
Copy a Backup File to a Remote TFTP Server
# ewn upload
Copy a backup file from the 4350 to a TFTP server.
Download a Backup File from a Remote TFTP Server
# ewn download
Download a backup file from a TFTP server to the V
List the Available Backup Files
# ewn list
List all backup files stored in FLASH. If no file has been saved, the command
will only return the # prompt.
The “.conf” extensions have special significance. If you save a configuration with
with the new one.