Starting the ims-4000 consoleview software, Configuring hosts and nodes, Setting up an enterprise – Phonetics IMS-4000 User Manual

Page 43: Adding an enterprise group, Deleting an enterprise group, Adding a host

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Starting the IMS-4000 ConsoleView Software

Double-click the IMS-4000 icon to start the IMS-4000 ConsoleView Software. The software will
automatically try to connect to all IMS-4000 Hosts that have been configured. If this is the first
time you are running the software, you will need to create an Enterprise Group and add a Host
within each Enterprise. (See Configuring Hosts and Nodes)

Configuring Hosts and Nodes

Setting Up An Enterprise

An Enterprise Group comprises an IMS-4000 Host, any IMS-4000 Nodes connected to that Host,
and all of the environmental inputs connected to these units, regardless of proximity to the Host.


Before setting up your Enterprise software, you must have locally configured your Host

and Node units—which is where you assign the Host its IP address. If you have not done this,
the ConsoleView software will not be able to locate your Host. If you are connecting to your
Host through a dialup connection, be sure to establish a PPP connection before running the
software. (See Remote Login via Dialup) See the sections in your Host and Node Manuals on
Local Configuration.

To get started, double-click on the IMS-4000 software icon. This will bring up the
IMS ConsoleView Screen.

Figure 6: IMS ConsoleView screen

Adding an Enterprise Group

From the ConsoleView menu, click on Enterprise and select Add Enterprise Group. In the left-hand
column, a New Enterprise Group will appear. When you connect to the host, the Enterprise Name
will update.

Deleting an Enterprise Group

If at any time you wish to delete an Enterprise group, click to highlight the Enterprise Group you
would like to delete, select Enterprise from the main menu and choose Delete Enterprise Group.

Adding a Host

Right-click on the words IP Unknown below the enterprise name and select Set IP Address. Enter
the IP address for your IMS-4000 Host and click OK. The software will prompt you for a username
and password to log in. For new units, the default username is

admin and the default password is

Chapter 2: Software