6) giving ids, Adjustments – Pioneer RM-V4000V User Manual
Page 60
(6) Giving IDs
When several Multi projection units are used to compose the 9 screens or 16 screens (multi-screen), the ID is used to differen-
tiate between Multi projection units. When the units are given IDs, by connecting the ABL link cable, commands can be
transmitted by specifying the ID, and it is possible to operate only Multi projection unit corresponding to that ID by remote
control operations.
Commands: IDC (IDC CLEAR)
;Clears the ID given
;Gives an ID
The IDS is valid only when no ID has been given. It will be valid from units nearest to the personal
computer (remote control).
By sending commands in this order, IDs can be given to each Multi Projection Unit.
The characters that can be used for the IDs are 0 to 9 and A to F, and * (capital and small letters are not differentiated).
The * can be used in the following way.
:Clears IDs given to all units
:Only units which have IDs whose 2nd digit is 1 enter the adjustment mode.
:The input function of only units which have IDs whose 1st digit is 2 is set to VIDEO.
(Example) 4 screens • When giving IDs first using Personal Computer.
Personal Computer
11 IDS
12 IDS
21 IDS
22 IDS
Multi Projec-
tion Unit
Multi Projec-
tion Unit
Multi Projec-
tion Unit
Multi Projec-
tion Unit