Linksys Etherfast BEFSX41 User Manual

Page 57

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Cable/DSL Firewall Router with 4-Port Switch/VPN Endpoint


Instant Broadband




5. Change the authentica-

tion method to Use this
string to protect the
key exchange (pre-
shared key)
, as shown
in Figure C-14, and
enter the preshared key
string, such as
XYZ12345. Click the
OK button.

6. This new Preshared

key will be displayed in
Figure C-15. Click the
OK or Close button to

Figure C-14

Figure C-15

3. From the Security

Methods tab, shown in
Figure C-12, verify that
the Negotiate security
option is enabled, and
deselect the Accept
unsecured communica-

but always

respond using IPSec
check box. Select
Session key Perfect
Forward Secrecy
, and
click the OK button.

4. Select the Authentication

Methods tab, shown in
Figure C-13, and click the
Edit button.

Figure C-12

Figure C-13