Linksys Etherfast BEFSX41 User Manual

Page 23

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Cable/DSL Firewall Router with 4-Port Switch/VPN Endpoint

Virtual Private Networking (VPN) is a security measure that basically creates
a secure connection between two remote locations. This connection is very
specific as far as its settings are concerned; this is what creates the security.
The VPN screen, shown in Figure 7-11, allows you to configure your VPN set-
tings to make your network more secure.

Establishing a Tunnel

The Firewall Router creates a tunnel or channel between two endpoints, so that
the data or information between these endpoints is secure. To establish this tun-
nel, select the tunnel you wish to create in the (Select Tunnel Entry) drop-
down box. It is possible to create up to two simultaneous tunnels.

Then check the box next to Enable to enable the tunnel.

Once the tunnel is enabled, enter the name of the tunnel in the Tunnel Name
field. This is to allow you to identify multiple tunnels and does not have to
match the name used at the other end of the tunnel.

Click the Delete This Tunnel button to delete any tunnel entry. Click the
Summary button to view information about the selected tunnel, after the tun-
nel has been connected.



Note: Network security, while a desirable and often necessary
aspect of networking, is complex and requires a thorough under-
standing of networking principles.

Instant Broadband




Figure 7-11