Linksys Etherfast BEFSX41 User Manual

Page 29

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Cable/DSL Firewall Router with 4-Port Switch/VPN Endpoint


Phase 2

There are two Diffie-Hellman Groups to choose from: 768-bit and 1024-bit.
Diffie-Hellman refers to a cryptographic technique that uses public and private
keys for encryption and decryption.

Key Lifetime
In the Key Lifetime field, you may optionally select to have the key expire at the
end of a time period of your choosing. Enter the number of seconds you’d like
the key to be used until a re-key negotiation between each endpoint is completed.

Other Settings

NetBIOS broadcast
Check the box next to NetBIOS broadcast to enable NetBIOS traffic to pass
through the VPN tunnel.

Check the box next to Anti-replay to enable the Anti-replay protection. This
feature keeps track of sequence numbers as packets arrive, ensuring security at
the IP packet-level.

Check the box next to Keep-Alive to re-establish the VPN tunnel connection
whenever it is dropped. Once the tunnel is initialized, this feature will keep the
tunnel connected for the specified amount of idle time.

Unauthorized IP Blocking
Check this box to block unauthorized IP addresses. Complete the on-screen
sentence to specify how many times IKE must fail before blocking that unau-
thorized IP address for a length of time that you specify (in seconds).


The Password screen, shown in Figure 7-26, allows you to change the password,
set SNMP Community names, enable UPnP Services, and restore default set-
tings on the Router.

Router Password It is strongly recommended that you set a password for the
Router. The default password is admin. If you don’t change the password, all
users on your network will be able to access the Router using the default pass-
word admin.

SNMP Community

Each SNMP Community field allows a name to be

assigned to any SNMP community that has been set up in the network. Four
different communities can be defined, including the two default communities,
public and private. For each SNMP Community name, you can configure each
community’s accessibility, making it either Read-Only or Read-Write.

Restore Factory Defaults If you select the Restore Factory Defaults option
and click the Apply button, you will clear all of the Router’s settings.


Figure 7-26

Instant Broadband

