Warning – Lennox Hearth SOLANA-BN User Manual
Page 6

Caution: It is necessary to remove the
baffle from the top of the firebox before
cleaning the chimney.
Dealing With a Chimney Fire
Regular chimney maintenance and inspection
can prevent chimney fires. If you have a chimney
fire, follow these steps:
1. Close the fireplace glass doors and the air
2. Close the chimney outside air register.
3. Alert your family of the possible danger.
4. If you require assistance, alert your fire
5. If possible, use a dry chemical fire extin-
guisher, baking soda or sand to control
the fire. Do not use water as it may cause
dangerous steam explosions.
6. Watch for smouldering or fire on combus-
tibles next to the fireplace and chimney.
Check outside to ensure that sparks and
hot embers coming out of the chimney are
not igniting the roof.
7. Do not use the fireplace again until your
chimney and fireplace have been inspected
by a qualified chimney sweep or a fire depart-
ment inspector.
Top Baffle Removal Prior to Cleaning The
Before starting to clean your chimney, we
recommend that you remove the top baffle to
avoid creosote dust collection at the top of the
baffle. Follow these steps to set the top baffle
out of the way:
1. Remove the baffle refractory and it’s iron
angle support (figure 2);
2. Obstruct the dilution air box inlet, located in
the upper back of the firebox, with a metal
or cardboard sheet;
3. Close the chimney damper and doors;
4. Proceed with chimney sweep;
5. Open the chimney damper before opening
the doors;
6. Clean out the firebox;
7. REMOVE the metal or cardboard sheet,
placed in step #2, and re-install the baffle
and it’s iron angle support.
Creosote - Formation and Need for Removal
When wood is burned slowly, it produces tar
and other organic vapors, which combine
with expelled moisture to form creosote. The
creosote vapors condense in the relatively
cool chimney flue of a slow-burning fire. As
a result, creosote residue accumulates on the
flue lining. When ignited this creosote makes
an extremely hot fire.
The chimney shall be inspected at least twice
a year during the heating season to determine
when a creosote buildup has occurred.
When creosote has accumulated it shall be
removed to reduce the risk of a chimney fire.
When the creosote accumulation is large, a
creosote fire in the chimney can damage the
chimney and overheat the surrounding wood
framing. Creosote formation in a chimney can
be minimized by making sure there is always
visible flame burning, avoid smouldering fires
and by proper refuelling techniques.
Chimney Maintenance
Regular chimney inspection and maintenance
combined with proper operation will help
prevent chimney fires. Keep your chimney
clean. Do not allow more than a 1/16" (1.6mm)
build-up of creosote in your chimney. The
amount of creosote will depend on variables
such as frequency of use and type of fire. We
recommend that you:
A. Initially, inspect the chimney system weekly.
By doing this, you will learn how often it will
be necessary to clean your chimney.
B. Have your chimney cleaned by a qualified
chimney sweep. If you wish to clean it your-
self, we recommend using a stiff plastic or
non-metallic brush. If a metal brush is used,
its size should be slightly smaller than the
flue to avoid damaging the chimney. Do not
use a brush that will scratch the stainless
steel interior of the chimney.
C. Do not expect chemical cleaners to keep your
chimney clean. The raincap can be removed
for inspection and/or cleaning of the chimney.
Unscrew the braces which attach the raincap
to the chimney. Using gloves, firmly grip the
upper portion of the rain cap. Turn the cap
and lift it off the chimney.
Figure 2 - Baffle Removal / Chimney Access
Disposal of Ashes: Ashes should
be placed in a metal container
with a tight fitting lid. The closed
container of ashes should be
placed on a non-combustible
floor or on the ground well away
from all combustible materials,
pending final disposal. If the
ashes are disposed of by burial
in soil or otherwise locally dis-
persed, they should be retained
in the closed container until all
cinders have thoroughly cooled.
Door Frame Care
Use a glass cleaner and a soft cloth to polish
the frame. Do not use abrasives such as steel
wool or steel pads for they may scratch the
door frame finish.
Disposing Of Ashes
Remove ashes only when the fire is out and
the ashes are cold (24 to 48 hours after the
fire is out).
Ashes removal must be –performed regularly
during the operating season. An excess of ashes
will block the airflow and risks to increase the
particle emissions. In order to burn efficiently,
do not let ashes stack up to a height which will
obstruct the opening between the base of the
firebox and the bottom rod of the log retainer.
Rotate the log retainer on the back refractory and
remove the ashes. Make sure the log retainer
is properly leaning on the back refractory, in
case it’s rotation is obstructed.
Do not leave the ashes in the house as they give
off carbon monoxide and other toxic gases.