Lakeshore Learning Materials 647 User Manual
Page 45

Lake Shore Model 647 Magnet Power Supply User’s Manual
Remote Operation
4-15 Ramping Commands Description
The following MPS Ramping Commands configure the various functions of the ramping features.
Programs Ramp Segment Parameters
RAMP[segment],[initial ramp current],[final ramp current],[ramp rate],[00],[--:--:--:--]
[segment] = 1. (Future updates will allow up to nine segments.)
[initial ramp current] = 0 to ±72 A.
[final ramp current] = 0 to ±72 A.
[ramp rate] = 0 to 99.9999 A/S.
[00]: Reserved for future use (Operation to perform). Need not be present for
proper command operation.
[--:--:--:--]: Reserved for future use (DWELL time in days, hours, minutes and
seconds). Does not need to be present for proper command operation.
Remarks: Truncates value to 0.001 place. Enter values with no embedded spaces. Undefined
parameters are set to 0. Control Bus inputs 4 places, display rounds to 0.01 or 0.001 place.
Indicates: Ramp Segment = 1;
Initial Ramp Current = +72.0000 A;
Final Ramp Current = -72.0000 A;
Ramp Rate = 01.0000 A/S; commas can be replaced by blanks.
Ramp Parameter Query
Input: RAMP?
Returned: Values are the same format as described above for programming in the ramp segments.
Remarks: Returns 48 characters and up to two terminators.
Programs Ramp Status
RMP [ramp status] where
[ramp status] = 0 to turn off (HOLD) the ramp definitely, or 1 to
turn on the ramp segment or continue a ramp on hold.
Ramp Status Query
Returned: 0 for holding, or 1 for ramping.
Remarks: One character plus up to two terminators are returned.
Programs Active Ramp Segment
Input: SEG
[segment] where [segment] = 1. (Future updates will allow multiple ramp segments).
Active Ramp Segment Query
Input: SEG?
Returned: 1. (Future updates will allow multiple ramp segments).
Remarks: Returns one character plus up to two terminator.