Lakeshore Learning Materials 647 User Manual

Page 39

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Lake Shore Model 647 Magnet Power Supply User’s Manual

Remote Operation


4.2.1 Serial Interface Hardware Configuration
Below is a technical description of the 6224 option card for the Serial Interface configuration. (Note: See

Appendix C for Serial Interface on CMP.) Table 4.2 defines communication parameters. Terminators are fixed

to Carriage Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF).

The serial interface connector is a standard 6-wire RJ-11 (telephone) jack. Lake Shore offers the Model 2001

10-foot Cable Assembly, Model 2002 RJ-11 to DB-25 Adapter, and the Model 2003 RJ-11 to DE-9 Adapter.

See Chapter 4 – Service for Serial I/O connector and adapter pin out details, and Chapter 5 – Options and

Accessories for adapter dimensions.

Table 4-2

Serial Interface Specifications

Transmission: Three-Wire

Bits per Character: 1 Start, 8 Data, and 1 Stop

Baud Rate: 300, 1200 or 9600

Timing Format: Asynchronous

Parity Type: None

Connector: Two RJ-11 Modular Socket

Fixed Terminator: CR (0DH) LF (0AH)

Transmission Mode: Half Duplex

Data Interface Levels: Transmits & Receives Using EIA Voltage Levels

4.2.2 Serial Interface Settings
To use the Serial Interface, set the Baud rate. See Paragraph 4.1.1.

4.2.3 Sample BASIC Serial Interface Program
The QuickBASIC V4.0 program in Table 4.3 is a sample interactive serial poll routine for the MPS Serial

Interface. Below are typical examples using this BASIC program. (User input is in bold type.)



Identification Query. Returns manufacturer, model
number, 0, and Firmware Date.




Output Current Setting and Query. Instructs unit to set
current to 25 amps and then asks for current reading.




Overvoltage (Quench) Protection Circuit Status Query.
Unit returns setting, where 0 = Off and 1 = On.




Remote Inhibit Status Query. Unit returns setting, where 0
= Inactive and 1 = Active.




Mode Status Query. Instrument returns mode, where 0 =
Local, 1 = Remote, or 2 = Remote with Lockout.


4.2.4 Notes On Using The Serial Interface

• To chain commands together, insert a semi-colon (;) between them. Multiple queries cannot be chained.

• Queries use the same syntax as the associated setting command followed by a question mark (?). They

usually return the same information that is sent.

• Add a query to the end of a command string if the controller must return information. For example, RMP

0;RMP? commands the MPS to pause the ramp then return the ramp status to confirm the change.

• The MPS returns nothing queries without a “?" and ignores misspelled commands and queries.

• The term "free field" indicates a floating decimal point that can be placed at any appropriate place in the

string of digits.

• Leading zeros and zeros following a decimal point are unneeded in a command string, but they are sent in

response to a query. A leading “+” is not required, but a leading “ is required.

[term] indicates where the user places terminating characters or where they appear on a returning

character string from the MPS.