Lakeshore Learning Materials 647 User Manual

Page 35

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Lake Shore Model 647 Magnet Power Supply User’s Manual

Remote Operation

4-5 Run The Example QuickBasic Program
Use the following procedure to run the QuickBasic Program.

1. Copy c:\gpib-pc\Qbasic\qbib.obj to the QuickBasic directory (QB4).

2. Change to the QuickBasic directory and type:

link /q qbib.obj,,,bqlb4x.lib

where x = 0 for

QB4.0 and 5 for QB4.5 This one-time only command produces the library file qbib.qlb. The procedure is

found in the National Instruments QuickBasic readme file Readme.qb.

3. Start QuickBasic. Type:

qb /l qbib.qlb


Start QuickBasic in this way each time the IEEE interface is

used to link in the library file.

4. Create the IEEE example interface program in QuickBasic. See Table 4-1. Name the file “ieeeexam.bas”

and save.

5. Run the program.

4.1.5 Notes On Using the IEEE Interface
• The term "free field" indicates a floating decimal point that may be placed any appropriate place in the

string of digits.

[term] indicates where the user places terminating characters or where they appear on a returning

character string from the MPS.

• To chain commands together, insert a semi-colon, comma, or blank space between them. Some

programming languages allow only blank spaces to chain. Multiple queries cannot be chained. The MPS

responds to the last query entered when addressed as a talker.

• Queries generally use the same syntax as an associated setting command followed by a question mark.

They most often return the same information that is sent. Some queries have no command form.

• Leading zeros and zeros following a decimal point are unneeded in a command string, but they are sent in

response to a query. A leading “+” is not required, but a leading “–” is required.

• As characters are received over the interface, they store in a buffer with a length of 95 characters. After

receiving the terminators, any new parameters are stored. The Mainframe requires about 100 msec to

store new parameters before receiving any new commands.

• The Mainframe implements new parameters and updates measurement data once per 500 msec

operation cycle (noted by the blinking asterisk to the left of the mode status). Sending new parameters or

requesting data at a rate faster than 2 Hz is not recommended.