Lifescan One Touch ll User Manual
Page 84

Special Functions
Setting the Clock ......................... 50, 52
Setting the Beeps......................... 54, 57
Setting the Language................... 54, 58
mg/dL or mmol/L........................ 9, 50, 55,
59, 76, 77
Date Format ................................. 50, 55, 60
AM/PM or 24-Hour Time ........... 50, 55, 61
Data Management Interface
Information .................................. 50, 55, 61
Specifications ....................................... 73
Testing Your Blood............................... 22–27
Test Procedure Messages
“Clean Test Area” Message......... 34, 44
“Error 1” Message........................ 35
“Error 2” Message........................ 35
“Not OK” Message ...................... 37
“Not Enough Blood” message ... 29, 36
Test Strips ............................................. 4, 24–29
Troubleshooting.................................... 30
Warranty................................................ 74
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