Line 6 POD Farm UX1 User Manual
Page 81

Line 6 POD Farm 1.01 - POD Farm Plug-In
*Note that when in POD Farm Standalone mode, you’ll see only the BPM & Tap Tempo
options (since obviously there is no “Host” application tempo to follow!)
BPM Tempo Field /Tap Tempo Button - Click the Host Sync button to toggle the Host Sync mode
“off” and you can then use these options to manually set a Master Tempo for POD Farm Plug-In.
To set a specific BPM, click directly on the BPM value and drag up/down. Or, “tap” in the desired
tempo by clicking directly on the Tap button - you’ll see the BPM field then display the new Master
Tempo you just tapped in. For best results, click several times at a steady rate for it to determine your
desired tap tempo. To have a Modulation or Delay effect utilize this BPM Master Tempo value, you
additionally need to set the effect’s FX Time/FX Speed - Sync On/Off button to “On”.
FX Time/FX Speed Controls - Within the Panel View for Modulation and Delay effects, you’ll see
this set of options. These controls work to modify the Master Tempo behavior, or allow you to set the
effect’s delay time/modulation speed parameter independently of the current POD Farm BPM setting.
Time/Speed Knob
Time/Speed Display
Note Value Display
Sync On/Off Button
Sync On/Off Button - Click to toggle FX Time/FX Speed On/Off.
When FX Time/FX Speed Sync is OFF
, the effect’s time/speed parameter will follow the
speed setting shown in this field (displayed in milliseconds for delay effects, and Hertz for
modulation effects). The Sync button also determines the behavior of the Time/Speed
When FX Time/FX Speed Sync is ON
, this tells the effect parameters to follow the Master
Tempo (see previous section). With Sync on, you’ll also be able to modify the effect tempo
by a note value - see the Time/Speed knob description below.
Time Knob (Delay effects) / Speed Knob (Modulation effects)
When FX Time/FX Speed Sync is OFF
, the Time/Speed knob adjusts the Delay Time
parameter from 20 - 2000 ms (for Delay effects) or the Speed knob adjusts the parameter
from 0.10 - 15.0 Hz (for Modulation effects). You’ll see the tempo in the numerical field to
the right of the speed knob - alternatively, you can double-click directly in this numerical
field to type in an exact value. In this OFF mode, the effect is not following the Master
Tempo (see Sync On/Off descriptions above).
When FX Time/FX Speed Sync is ON
, the effect follows the Host Sync/BPM Master
Tempo of the Plug-In (see Sync On/Off descriptions above). The Time/Speed knob selects a
note length division of the current Master Tempo value - from a whole note to a sixteenth
note triplet.