Line 6 POD Farm UX1 User Manual
Page 76

Line 6 POD Farm 1.01 - POD Farm Plug-In
Note - These Next/Previous buttons are intended to allow you to incrementally go from one
preset to the next - if you click multiple times repeatedly then things may appear a bit sluggish
as POD Farm attempts to “catch up” in running through multiple presets. If you want to jump
around or find a particular preset, better to use the
Presets View Shortcut Control - Provides a shortcut to
Preset Name Display & Menu - Indicates the currently selected preset name. When a preset parameter
has changed, an asterisk will appear at the end of the name to indicate the preset is in the “tweaked”
(unsaved) state.
Tone New/Open/Save options - Click on this little folder icon to select from the following Tone
New - Creates a new, empty Tone so you can start from scratch and build your own sonic
Open - Allows you to browse your computer to open a specific .l6t Tone Preset file directly. (Note
that this includes .l6t Tone files you may have created with Line 6 Edit, GearBox or GuitarPort
applications too!)
Save - Saves the currently loaded tone, if it is in a “tweaked” state.
Save As - Creates a copy of the current Tone settings as a new .l6t Tone Preset File wherever
you like on your computer. You’ll first be prompted with the Tone Info dialog where it is a good
idea to fill in some of the fields to allow you to store some descriptive info about this Tone, such
as the instrument or song you used it for, pickup position, etc. Click OK and the Save As dialog
is displayed so you can name the Tone file and choose where to save it. Note that you’ll want to
save the Tone in your
if you want the Presets View to list the saved
tone for you.
Dual Tone Control
POD Farm’s Dual Tone feature allows you to create two different Tones in the Plug-In using one
common input signal. You have the option of running one tone (single tone), or two tones (dual
The Dual Tone button lets you switch between running in “Dual Tone” versus “Single Tone”
If only one Tone is in the Signal Flow View, the Dual Tone button state appears ‘off’ and is not
lit. If you click the Dual Tone button on, it adds the Default tone settings to Tone 2.
When two Tones are in the Signal Flow View, the Dual Tone button state appears ‘on’. If you then
click the Dual Tone button when it is on, a menu drops from the button, listing two functions
Remove Tone 1 or Remove Tone 2.
Selecting either above options removes that corresponding Tone from the SFV, which then
shows only a single Tone.
If you remove Tone 1, Tone 2 becomes the single Tone, and is now considered “Tone 1”;
its input setting will be the same as the previous Tone 1 prior to its removal. If you discard
Tone 2, Tone 1 becomes the single Tone and its input setting does not change.