Status/err service message received, Svc msg rxed, svc_cmd=0x%x %s, node_cmd: 0x%x %s, Switch received with errors. descriptor: 0x%8x – Lucent Technologies 9077 16S User Manual

Page 127: Switch route entry not found, node = %d

Status/err service message received, Svc msg rxed, svc_cmd=0x%x %s, node_cmd: 0x%x %s, Switch received with errors. descriptor: 0x%8x | Switch route entry not found, node = %d | Lucent Technologies 9077 16S User Manual | Page 127 / 150 Status/err service message received, Svc msg rxed, svc_cmd=0x%x %s, node_cmd: 0x%x %s, Switch received with errors. descriptor: 0x%8x | Switch route entry not found, node = %d | Lucent Technologies 9077 16S User Manual | Page 127 / 150
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