Lowrance electronic LCX-16CI User Manual

Page 29

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To change the units, select “Units
of Measure” from the “System
Setup” menu. Highlight the de-
sired label with the arrow keys,
then press the ENT key to
change it. Press the EXIT key
when you’re finished.

Set Local Time
The GPS requires the local time
and date for its initialization and
the time and date are saved when
a waypoint is saved. To set the
time and date, select “Set Local
Time and Date” from the System
Setup menu. The screen shown
at right appears.

Highlight the field that you wish
to change using the arrow keys,
then press the ENT key to change it. Once you have each field set the
way you want, press the EXIT key to erase the menu.

Communications Ports
This unit has two serial ports. Each can be set to send NMEA data or
receive data from a DGPS receiver. The baud rate is adjustable from 1200
to 115200 baud. The default is
9600. To change a setting on this
screen, highlight it using the cur-
sor keys, then press the ENT key
to change it.

If a DGPS receiver is connect to
this unit, highlight the appropri-
ate receiver type: “STARLINK
and press ENT key to turn it on.
(Use Starlink DGPS when using
Lowrance DGPS Beacon Receiv-
ers.) With the exception of serial communications, typically no other setup
needs to be made with these receivers.