LevelOne FBR-1404TX User Manual

Page 66

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Security Configuration


Respond to

The ICMP protocol is used by the "ping" and "trace route" programs,
and by network monitoring and diagnostic programs.
• If checked, the LevelOne Broadband VPN Gateway will respond

to ICMP packets received from the Internet.

• If not checked, ICMP packets from the Internet will be ignored.

Disabling this option provides a slight increase in security.

Allow IPsec

The IPSec protocol is used to establish a secure connection, and is
widely used by VPN (Virtual Private Networking) programs.
• If checked, IPSec connections are allowed.
• If not checked, IPSec connections are blocked.

Allow PPTP

PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol) is widely used by VPN
(Virtual Private Networking) programs.
• If checked, PPTP connections are allowed.
• If not checked, PPTP connections are blocked.

Allow L2TP

L2TP is a protocol developed by Cisco for VPNs (Virtual Private
• If checked, L2TP connections are allowed.
• If not checked, L2TP connections are blocked.

Allow TFTP
firmware up-

If enabled, TFTP (Trivial FTP) connections can be made to this device.
• TFTP can be used to upgrade the firmware. This is normally not

required, and should not be enabled unless necessary.

• You must obtain the firmware upgrade file first; instructions for

using TFTP will be available with the upgrade.