Lucent Technologies Ethereal User Manual
Page 199

Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs.
If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.
This Document's License (GPL)
See also other documents in the category Lucent Technologies Hardware:
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- CELLPIPE 7820-0766-004 (48 pages)
- AnyMedia Line Access Gateway (4 pages)
- CellPipe 22A Series (2 pages)
- Stinger MS+DSL (2 pages)
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- 7820-0657-001 (34 pages)
- Alcatel-Lucent VPN 1200 (6 pages)
- Stinger STGRSACR-SO-ADSL2P (2 pages)
- 106433691 (7 pages)
- 2000 (2 pages)
- VPN Firewall Brick 20 (4 pages)
- 20A-USB (2 pages)
- GW-DS300N (78 pages)
- Network Access Module (75 pages)
- Wavelength Extension Solution Metropolis (4 pages)
- Lucent Network Gateway (2 pages)
- 20H (2 pages)
- 5800 Series (88 pages)
- Cajun Switch P550R (41 pages)
- PortMaster (364 pages)
- 2300 (2 pages)
- Multiplexer and Transport System ADM 16/1 (8 pages)
- Cajun M770 (72 pages)
- DSL Element Management System NavisAccess (4 pages)
- 3000 (586 pages)
- CellPipe 55 Series (2 pages)
- Telephone User Interface Serenade (2 pages)
- APX 1000 (4 pages)
- PacketStar PSAX (4 pages)
- DSL Access Concentrator Stinger FS+ (4 pages)
- USS-720 (96 pages)
- AnyMedia 4300 (2 pages)
- CellPipe 40H-CES (2 pages)
- Stinger Trunk Module OC-12/STM-4 (2 pages)
- Host-Based Controller Modem AT (87 pages)