Lucent Technologies Ethereal User Manual

Page 182

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ieee-802-11-radiotap - IEEE 802.11 plus radiotap WLAN header
ieee-802-11-avs - IEEE 802.11 plus AVS WLAN header
linux-sll - Linux cooked-mode capture
frelay - Frame Relay
frelay-with-direction - Frame Relay with Directional Info
chdlc - Cisco HDLC
ios - Cisco IOS internal
ltalk - Localtalk
pflog-old - OpenBSD PF Firewall logs, pre-3.4
hhdlc - HiPath HDLC
docsis - Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification
cosine - CoSine L2 debug log
whdlc - Wellfleet HDLC
sdlc - SDLC
tzsp - Tazmen sniffer protocol
enc - OpenBSD enc(4) encapsulating interface
pflog - OpenBSD PF Firewall logs
chdlc-with-direction - Cisco HDLC with Directional Info
bluetooth-h4 - Bluetooth H4
mtp2 - SS7 MTP2
mtp3 - SS7 MTP3
irda - IrDA
user0 - USER 0
user1 - USER 1
user2 - USER 2
user3 - USER 3
user4 - USER 4
user5 - USER 5
user6 - USER 6
user7 - USER 7
user8 - USER 8
user9 - USER 9
user10 - USER 10
user11 - USER 11
user12 - USER 12
user13 - USER 13
user14 - USER 14
user15 - USER 15
symantec - Symantec Enterprise Firewall
ap1394 - Apple IP-over-IEEE 1394
bacnet-ms-tp - BACnet MS/TP
raw-icmp-nettl - Raw ICMP with nettl headers
raw-icmpv6-nettl - Raw ICMPv6 with nettl headers
gprs-llc - GPRS LLC
juniper-atm1 - Juniper ATM1
juniper-atm2 - Juniper ATM2
redback - Redback SmartEdge
rawip-nettl - Raw IP with nettl headers
ether-nettl - Ethernet with nettl headers
tr-nettl - Token Ring with nettl headers
fddi-nettl - FDDI with nettl headers
unknown-nettl - Unknown link-layer type with nettl headers
mtp2-with-phdr - MTP2 with pseudoheader
juniper-pppoe - Juniper PPPoE
gcom-tie1 - GCOM TIE1
gcom-serial - GCOM Serial
x25-nettl - X25 with nettl headers
default is the same as the input file

-v specifies verbose operation, default is silent

A range of records can be specified as well

Where each option has the following meaning:


This option specifies that the frames listed should be kept, not
deleted. The default is to delete the listed frames.

Related command line tools