Appendix 4 - vnc viewer window options, Viewer options, Vnc viewer window options – Lindy MC5-IP User Manual

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Appendix 4 - VNC viewer window options

Click the VNC icon in the top left corner of the viewer window (or press F8) to
display the window options:

Standard window control items

Full screen
Expands the VNC viewer window to fill the whole screen
with no visible window edges or toolbar. Press F8 to re-
display this menu.

Single mouse mode (P)
Used for fast network connections where a second,
“predictor” cursor is not required.

Ctrl, Alt, Send F8, Send Ctrl-Alt-Del
Sends the selected keypress(es) to the MC5-IP and host
computer. This is necessary because certain keys and key
combinations are trapped by the VNC viewer.

Refresh Screen
Requests data from the server for a complete redraw of
the screen image, not just the items that change.

New connection...
Displays the connection dialog so that you can log on to a
different MC5 or VNC server location.

Displays the full range of connection options - see

Appendix 3

for more details.

Connection info...
Displays various connection and display details.

Displays information about your VNC viewer.