Lowrance electronic Lowrance iFINDER Explorer User Manual
Page 74

plays one of five weather symbols in the Weather Symbol box. This
symbol reflects the current trend shown in the Pressure History bar
chart. By monitoring the trend (steady, rising or falling), the iFINDER
can predict how the weather will likely behave.
Weather Symbol box, showing Rain symbol.
The following weather symbols are based only on the last 3 hours of data:
Sun symbol: indicates an unstable high pressure trend.
Barometer is typically rising very quickly. Predicts a rapidly
increasing chance of clear or clearing skies.
Partly Cloudy symbol: indicates a stable high pressure trend.
Barometer is typically rising. Predicts an increasing chance of
partly cloudy to clearing skies.
Cloudy symbol: indicates a stable mid-range pressure trend.
Barometer is typically steady. Predicts a stable weather pattern,
which could be either overcast or sunny.
You should expect no immediate, significant change in the current con-
ditions. Whatever it is, the present weather should continue until you
see the symbol change.
Rain symbol: indicates a stable low pressure trend. Barometer
is typically falling. Predicts an increasing chance of some rain or
other precipitation from an approaching low pressure weather front.
Storm symbol: indicates an unstable low pressure trend.
Barometer is typically falling very quickly. Predicts a rapidly
increasing chance of an approaching thunderstorm or a snowstorm if
temperatures are freezing.
Whenever the Weather Symbol box switches to the Storm symbol, the
unit will display a "Weather Storm Watch" alarm message. The mes-
sage will remain until you clear it by pressing the
If the unit fails to add a new reading in the last three hours, it will
delete all the old history and start over again. This usually occurs
when the unit is turned on after being completely turned off for
more than three hours.