Lowrance electronic Lowrance iFINDER Explorer User Manual
Page 17

some kind with the menu item. Text that you may need to enter or file
names you need to select are shown in italic type, such as trail name.
Instructions = Menu Sequences
Most functions you perform with the iFINDER are described as a se-
quence of keystrokes and selecting menu commands. We've written
them in a condensed manner for quick and easy reading.
For example, instructions for backtracking a trail in Easy Mode would
look like this:
1. Press
↓ to
2. Now, let the iFINDER guide you.
Translated into complete English, step 1 means: "Press the Menu key. Use
the down arrow key to scroll down and select (highlight) the Navigate Trail
command. Press the Enter key."
Also note that throughout this text, we will refer to the iFINDER Ex-
plorer as the iFINDER or as the unit.
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