Trip calculator, Weather prediction (barometer) – Lowrance electronic Lowrance iFINDER Explorer User Manual
Page 71

Trip Calculator
The Trip Calculator is a handy tool for keeping track of detailed route
information. You can use it to find the distance of a daily commute or to
calculate average speed on a cross-country road trip.
Trip Active
Use the Trip Active checkbox to turn on and off trip calculation. If you
want to take a detour, but do not want it added to your trip calculation,
use the Trip Active command to disable calculation.
Reset Trip
The Reset Trip command clears calculated values and starts recording
new trip information.
Speed Threshold
You can use Speed Threshold to make sure information recorded by the
Trip Calculator applies only to your trip's route – not time lost during
snack stops or idle time spent in traffic. If you are interested in com-
plete details for a trip, set your speed threshold to a lower speed. (Zero
mph will monitor conditions all the time).
For a more accurate average measure, raise the speed threshold above
idle speed. The Trip Calculator will only track time spent and distance
traveled when you are moving faster than the threshold.
Calculated Data
The rest of the Trip Calculator screen shows calculated information for
the current trip. These text boxes contain values that update in real
time, allowing you to see your exact speed and distance traveled.
Speed, Average Speed and Max Speed
Current Speed, Average Speed and Max Speed use changes in GPS Po-
sition to track ground speed.
Trip Time and Trip Distance
Trip Time monitors the amount of time spent on the road and Trip Dis-
tance measures the distance traveled on your trip. Remember, these
values are only recorded while you are moving faster than the speed
Weather Prediction (barometer)
People active in the outdoors should always be weather-aware. Weather
affects the movement and behavior of game and fish. It makes our out-
door adventures pleasant or miserable. It can even injure or kill us if
we are unprepared.
No weather forecast is perfect, but public and private weather reporting
services have reduced the guesswork when preparing for outdoor activi-