A quick print test with the form – Kyocera Laser Printing ELP User Manual

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Enhanced Laser Printing

User manual

In the first step please select your
printed form file. After opening it,
the windows blow uis displayed

Pleae provide a unique form/macro number between 1000 and 32000. Usually the
inplementor of the rules will telly ou, whoch number you need to use for whioch
result. The numbers are used in the predefined ELP printing rules.

Do not activate the “Generate movable Logo / Signature, this is only for the amdin.

Then the form is installed and displayed in the list. It can be immediately used.

A quick print test with the form

After selectingt the test button, this popup window

In the upper listbox the all printers are displayed,
which are installed with the ELP printing process.
Please select the printer you want to use if there is
more than one printer installed.

By clicking the checkbox the format can be defined.
The default format is Portrait, by clicking the
checkbox Landscape will be the format.
In the listbox at the bottom the paper size can be
chosen by selecting the proper size. Then click OK
to generate a test print.

If the form number is used within defined ELP rules, the new form is already usable.

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