Kenwood VR-5090 User Manual
Page 5

Radio Tuning .......................................................................... 44
Recording ................................................................................ 47
How Do I Adjust the LCD Display? ................................... 50
Using Remote Control unit under low light ........................ 50
Adjusting the contrast of LCD display ................................. 50
Adjusting the brightness of receiver ...................................... 51
Selecting the display mode of receiver front panel .............. 51
Executing Several Operations at Once (Macro function) .. 52
Registering a macro ................................................................ 52
Executing a macro .................................................................. 53
Using Remote Control Unit in Multiple Zones ................. 54
Haw Do I Switch Control Modes? ........................................ 54
Operation using the SYS.POWER button on Remote Control
unit ..................................................................................... 56
Chapter Three : Button Layout in Controlling
Other Devices .................................................... 57
Chapter Four: Troubleshooting ......................... 69
Sound ....................................................................................... 71
I don’t hear any sound at all .................................................. 71
Audio is not output only when a 96k fs compatible disc is
played. ................................................................................. 71
The 96k fs indicator does not light while a 96k fs compatible
disc is being played. ........................................................... 71