Diagnostics - debug tab – Kodak I1400 User Manual
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A-61550 May 2007
Diagnostics - Debug tab
The Debug tab allows you to store the communications between the
scanner and a scanning application, as well as the images, to a file that
can be reviewed later by Kodak support personnel.
Logging — saves the communications between the scanner and a
scanning application. The options are: Off (the default), On or Custom.
It is suggested that you do not use the Custom setting, unless directed
to do so by Kodak support personnel.
• Flag and Filter are only available for Custom; only make changes as
directed by Kodak support personnel.
• For changes to take effect, you must restart your application.
• Received From Scanner: normally, it is not necessary to save the
images received at the PC from the scanner. It is suggested that you
only turn this on when instructed by Kodak support personnel.
- Save: normally, it is not necessary to save the images received at
the PC from the scanner. It is suggested that you only turn this on
when instructed by Kodak support personnel.
- File prefix: the scanner will apply the entered text to the
beginning of each file created. This can be used to more easily
find and sort the saved images.
- Held in memory: if scanning a large job and you only need to
save the last few images, then turn this on by selecting the
number of images you want to save.
NOTE: Turning this on will use more PC memory.