Kodak ISBN 0-87985-749-8 User Manual

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u n d e re x p o s u re latitude, wider speed ranges, and impro v e-
ments in grain structure, sharpness, continuous-tone
re p roduction, and color saturation.

An edge-numbering system for all K O D A K M o t i o n

P i c t u re Camera Films features both electronic- and
o p e r a t o r- read characters. The digital numbers, called
EASTMAN KEYKODE Numbers, are in the form of a
m a c h i n e - readable barcode. This feature opens up the
potential for automated film handling. All K O D A KM o t i o n
P i c t u re Color Negative Camera Films as well as most
Black-and-White Camera Films have K E Y K O D EN u m b e r s .

N o t e : The Kodak filter materials, as well as other brand
name products we describe in this publication, are available
f rom dealers in photographic supplies. You can use equiv-
alent materials, if desire d .

Need Another H-2?
You can purchase extra copies of Publication No. H-2
f rom the nearest Kodak company or distributor in your
country. U.S. residents can order directly from Eastman
Kodak Company, Department 412L, 343 State Stre e t ,
R o c h e s t e r, NY 14650-0532. Be sure to include the title
Cinematographer’s Field Guide and the code number
H-2 in your ord e r.

You can also find information on KODAK Motion

P i c t u re Films on the Web. Visit our website at:
w w w . k o d a k . c o m / g o / m o t i o n.

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