Kodak ISBN 0-87985-749-8 User Manual

Page 46

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MPF-40 9/98


7276™ (16 mm, Super 8)
EASTMAN PLUS-X Reversal Film

E x p o s u re Indexes*: (For recommended re v e r s a l

D a y l i g ht 50 (18 )

Tu n g s t en 40 (17 )

For negative processing in a typical negative motion
p i c t u re film developer, use the following exposure indexes:

D a y l i g ht 25 (15 )

Tu n g s t en20 (14 )

P ro c e s s : KODAK Liquid Reversal Chemicals or from bulk.
F o rce Processing: 1 stop (or more) with some loss in
q u a l i ty

– check with your processing laboratory.

U s e : EASTMAN PLUS-X Reversal Film 7276 is used
widely for general exterior photography and for indoor
photography where there is ample illumination.
General Pro p e r t i e s : EASTMAN PLUS-X Reversal Film
7276 is a medium-speed, panchromatic, reversal motion
p i c t u re film. It is characterized by a high degree of sharp-
ness, good contrast, high resolving power, and excellent
tonal gradation.

When processed as a reversal film, the resulting positive

can be used for projection or for duplication. Processed as
a negative material by conventional methods, the film will
yield satisfactory results, although a print will be necessary.

*When exposed in Super 8 cameras through a KODAK WRATTEN Gelatin Filter No. 85, the

effective speed is reduced to 32 for daylight. In automatic cameras, due to the cartridge
speed and filter notching system, the film will be exposed as follows:

Daylight (no fil t e r )

5 0

Daylight (with fil t e r )

2 5

Tungsten (without fil t e r )

4 0

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