Kodak ISBN 0-87985-749-8 User Manual

Page 21

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9/98 MPF-15


P rocess: E C N - 2
U s e : KODAK SFX 200T Color Negative Film is opti-

mized for traveling matte shots, so fore g round action
photographed against a blue or green screen can be sepa-

rated more cleanly from the background when it’s
scanned into the digital format. In complex composite

shots, this film can save time in postproduction.
General Pro p e r t i e s : KODAK SFX 200T Color
Negative Film is a medium speed film balanced for tung-

sten light. It intercuts seamlessly with other KODAK Color
Negative Films used to re c o rd live action footage. This

film features micro fine grain, unprecedented sharpness,

high resolving power, wide exposure latitude and accurate
tone re p roduction for the most difficult compositing

a p p l i c a t i o n s .
Illumination (Incident Light) Table for Tu n g s t e n

L i g h t (24 frames per second, 170° shutter opening)

Lens Aperture

f/1. 4

f/ 2

f/ 2 . 8

f/ 4

f/ 5 . 6

f/ 8



F o o t c a n d l e s

1 2 . 5

2 5

5 0

1 0 0

2 0 0

4 0 0

8 0 0

16 0 0

Use this table for average subjects. When a subject
includes only pastels, use at least



stop less exposure ;

dark colors re q u i re



stop more exposure .

Lighting Contrast: The suggested ratio of key-light-plus-

fill-light to fill-light is 2:1, 3:1, or 4:1. At a 4:1 ratio, this

film takes on a “special look.”
R e c i p rocity Characteristics EI 200 (24): You do not

need to make any filter corrections or exposure adjust-
ments for exposure times from 1/1000 to 1/10 second.
Handling: Total darkness.
Available Roll Lengths: SFX 200T Film is a special
o rder product from Kodak. For information on film ro l l

lengths, contact a Kodak sales re p resentative in your
c o u n t r y .
All rolls are identified with a product-code number and an

i n t e rnal product-code symbol.

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