Kodak Printer User Manual
Page 13
Operator’s Guide
Color Management
Interface Guide
After you drag the first source
transform to the template, the
source puzzle piece appears in
its socket indicating that the
minimum requirement for source
transforms is complete.
If you wish to change the transform you placed in the socket:
select a new transform; and drag it to the socket. It replaces the
previously-selected transform.
To delete a transform from a color connector socket:
select the transform.
pull down the Transforms menu, and select “Delete Transform”
on Windows systems or “Clear Transform” on Macintosh
See also other documents in the category Kodak Printers:
- DryView 8900 (144 pages)
- ENDURA CIS-241 (2 pages)
- DS3700 (2 pages)
- NOVAJET 630 (192 pages)
- EasyShare 5500 (122 pages)
- CIS-201 (12 pages)
- ESP 5 (81 pages)
- ESP 5 (24 pages)
- ESP 5 (79 pages)
- ESP 5 (16 pages)
- FC2 (10 pages)
- CS300C (2 pages)
- EasyShare 5100 (86 pages)
- 3000 (36 pages)
- ESP 3.2s (123 pages)
- M700 (2 pages)
- ESP7200 (6 pages)
- CIS-221 (2 pages)
- 6B6640 (84 pages)
- 6000 (76 pages)
- 6000 (2 pages)
- ESP 3.2 (31 pages)
- ESP 1.2 (100 pages)
- ESP 1.2 (2 pages)
- ESP C315 (95 pages)
- ESP C315 (2 pages)
- ESP Office 2150 (7 pages)
- ESP C315 (20 pages)
- HERO 3.1 (34 pages)
- HERO 3.1 (100 pages)
- ESP 7250 (2 pages)
- 8800 (26 pages)
- ESP 9 (143 pages)
- ESP 9 (16 pages)
- E-4028 (8 pages)
- CP-48S (12 pages)
- 5300 (28 pages)
- RP 30 (235 pages)
- 5100 (28 pages)
- 5100 (80 pages)
- E-2411 (6 pages)
- ESP 5260 (62 pages)
- PROFESSIONAL ULTRA III Paper E-142 (8 pages)
- ESP Office 6150 (20 pages)