Important, Did you know, Feature availability – SkyGolf SkyCaddie SGX User Manual

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2.3.1 Overview of Advanced Course Management Features

Hazards, Carries and Layups:

SkyCaddie records thousands of points on each golf course with sub-meter

precision. Distances to hazards, carries and layups are displayed automatically as you move down the
course. Knowing these critical distances lets you manage your game and eliminate those 6, 7, and 8s
from your scorecard.

Interactive HoleVue™ With Zoom:

SkyCaddie is creating, at a rate of hundreds per week, the only high-

precision graphics library of every golf hole, based on ground-corrected data. With HoleVue, you’ll know
the distance to any point on a hole in order to play that hole with the fewest strokes. Need a close-up
view to strategize your next shot? HoleVue includes a patented zoom function to dial into the exact area
you need to see. The number of course maps with Interactive HoleVue, while growing weekly, is limited;
please go to and search our course database to see if your course is HoleVue-ready.




With SkyCaddie’s patented IntelliGreen


technology, the exact shape of the green

automatically rotates to match your angle of approach to provide all of the distances you need to hit
more greens and avoid 3-putts. This proprietary feature gives you a chance to turn every shot into a
scoring opportunity by providing front carry and back distances, depth of green, and distances to any
other point on the green — simultaneously.




Built on proven IntelliGreen technology, IntelliGreen Pro is another proprietary feature

that adds distances to major green contours, false fronts, front carry and back distances — plus any
other point on the green from your angle of attack. This kind of crucial scoring information is only possible
by using our ground-verified mapping process. The number of course maps with IntelliGreen Pro, while
growing weekly, is limited; please go to and search our course database to see if your
course has IntelliGreen Pro. Not all courses have significant green contours that require this feature.

• QuickVue™:

SkyCaddie’s exclusive QuickVue provides a virtual preview of the safest path from the tee to

green. At a single glance, golfers know the exact green shape with IntelliGreen®, the total distance from
tee to the green, the shape of the golf hole, the distance and direction to the perfect fairway position
and the distance remaining from that position for the approach shot to the green. All information is
derived from SkyCaddie’s exclusive TrueGround™ mapping technology to provide golfer’s with the highest
reliability in the industry.

2.4 Downloading Courses To Your SGX

If you have installed CaddieSync and selected a Membership Plan, then you will have unlimited access to
our rapidly growing database of professionally-mapped courses for the region that your plan covers.

To Search and Download SkyCourses to your SGX:

1. Connect the SGX to your computer using the micro-USB cable.

2. Start CaddieSync.

3. When the welcome page displays, turn on your SGX and click on the “Sync” button in CaddieSync.

4. Click on “Courses” in the main navigation bar, then “Course Search” link in the sub-navigation bar to

search for courses.

5. On the course results page, you will see the Facility Name (with the location beneath it), Number of Holes

(with the course type, such as “Public” or “Private”), Course Features, and Add to Favorites column.

a. Clicking on the course’s name will take you to that course listing on ClubSG


so that you can see

details about the course, such as address, phone number, hours of operation, fees, and user ratings.

b. You will see icons listed under the Course Features column. This shows you what features are available

on the course map you are interested in. If you hover your mouse cursor over an icon, you will see
what that icon means. Clicking on the icon will take you to a details page on that feature.

6. When you see a course map that you want, click on the “+ Add to Favorites” button to the right of the

course. This will save this map to you personal favorites list for download later.

7. Once you are finished selecting courses, click on “Favorites” on the sub-navigation bar. From this page, you

can select the courses you want (up to 50 at a time) then click on the button that is labeled “Download
to My SkyCaddie”.

When a course in your Favorites list is updated, you will need to re-download the course to your SGX to get
access to the update. We recommend re-downloading your courses each time you sync to ensure you have
the most up-to-date information available.


When your SGX is in the process of

syncing with CaddieSync, please DO

NOT remove the cable or interrupt

the syncing process. Syncing

typically takes less than a minute.

Did You Know?

You do not have to have your SGX

with you to access the course list

in CaddieSync. You can manually

enter in your login and

manage your Favorites list prior to

downloading them to your SGX.


If you are syncing up to 50 Advanced

Feature SkyCourses to your SGX — or

if there is a new software update

— please expect the download and

installation process to take a few

minutes, as there will be a lot of data

being transferred to your SGX.

Feature Availability

IntelliGreen Pro and HoleVue started

being added to SkyCaddie’s course

database in 2009, so availability of

these features may be limited in your

area initially, but those quantities

will grow rapidly as the hole images

are corrected and rectified through

our mapping process. While

this process is tedious and may

delay release of HoleVue in mass

quantities, the reliability factor is

overriding our temptation to provide

images with less reliability.